SupervagabondS - Révérence
Quand : 29/06/2021
Durée : 70 jours
Durée : 70 jours
Distance globale :
Dénivelées :
+6564m /
Alti min/max : -79m/281m
Carnet publié par SupervagabondS
le 19 nov. 2021
modifié le 22 févr. 2022
modifié le 22 févr. 2022
Coup de coeur !
3104 lecteur(s)
Vue d'ensemble
Le topo : Préparatifs (mise à jour : 13 févr. 2022)
Description :
Notre dernier carnet de "SupervagabondS"
2 Mois en Finlande à naviguer dans les flots de nos doutes avec la seule certitude que la vie de notre duo changera à la fin de ce voyage.
C'est toujours plus sympa de mettre fin à quelquechose qui n'a pas d'avenir !
Sans avoir eu besoin de soumettre notre vie à la dictature medicore du selfie pour que des gens s'y intéressent, et à une époque ou l'éducation semble être déférée aux écrans,
"SupervagabondS" n'est jamais devenu un produit et il n'était pas destiné à faire du profit, c'était juste un aperçu de notre vie qui reste si singulière, qu'il nous semble que personne n'est vraiment capable de cerner la relation qui nous unis, et c'est tant mieux,
parce que tout en partageant une partie de notre vie à travers nos voyages, nous avons su garder l'intimité de notre relation intacte.
Bon voyage !
Our latest notebook of "SupervagabondS"
2 months in Finland navigating the waves of our doubts with the only certainty that the life of our duo will change at the end of this trip.
It's always nicer to end something that has no future!
Without having to subject our lives to the medicore dictatorship of the selfie to get people interested in it, and at a time when education seems to be deferred to the screens,
"SupervagabondS" never became a product and it was not intended to make a profit, it was just a glimpse of our life which remains so singular, that it seems to us that no one is really able to identify the relationship that unites us, and that's good,
because while sharing a part of our life through our travels, we knew how to keep the intimacy of our relationship intact.
Have a good trip !
Le compte-rendu : Préparatifs (mise à jour : 13 févr. 2022)
It seemed impossible to me to be able to find this model used, but as soon as I saw the advertisement, I knew that I was going to buy it. Tripper XL from Old Town: 6.10 M / 1.04 M at the widest / Depth: 40.6 cm / Weight: 47.6 kg from Royalex
This canoe is simply impressive, it weighs heavy and its loading capacity is incredible. He is the big brother of the canoes we already own: Charles river 16 RX
After having recovered most of the shocks with a hot air gun, I sand lightly so that the layer of epoxy resin hangs well
The gunwales and the 4 seats are dismantled, the seller had photos of trips with 6 people seated in this canoe!
After the first very thin layer, I sand again just to matt the resin and I iron a final layer of epoxy resin tinted green, like the first. The two layers use a total of 1 kg of resin + hardener mixture, i.e. 500 gr per layer.
The result shines and also reveals all the defects of the time spent in the lines of light but it looks good and it looks like new and by this renovation, I am sure that it is indeed our canoe.
it is also necessary to restore these parts of which I do not know the exact name!
I remodeled everything with epoxy resin, it takes several layers and knowing how to work with a sticky resin in full catalyzation and afterwards, I didn't need to sand for hours, I had made a cardboard mold and covered with plastic film and poured the resin in it, but I didn't take the time to take pictures of the operation! at the stage of this image there were still parts to fill.
The result is satisfactory and it is enough to matt the shine with a cloth and a solvent.
The gunwales are all whitened by time so it's the same fate: cleaning, light sanding, degreasing and two thin coats of epoxy resin tinted black.
The result is snapping and the gunwales look new.
I also take this opportunity to rivet a line of 88 awning buttons made beforehand.
You have to make the tarpaulin for the canoe, it will be huge and heavy: 5 m long with 650 gr / M2 pvc.
I make a hem to stiffen the area that will receive all the eyelets that allow the tarp to be strapped to the canoe.
Quite a challenge to dare to make a tarpaulin with zippers! I don't make any plans, I work "by the pole", this idea has been stuck in my head for several years, so I just have to make my choices and stick to them.
It's big closure, #15, the maxi in size is #20. The principle is simple: you have to stick this closure in a pvc hem, on each side. The main closure is 3 meters.
Once the closure has been glued in its pvc hem glued by cold welding, all you have to do is rivet the assembly in the cutout made on the tarpaulin.
You must first cut out the space in the tarpaulin in order to insert the 3-meter closure!
We distinguish the hem which is glued under the tarpaulin, the glue fuses the two sides of the pvc and offers an unalterable maintenance, it is a cold welding.
I do the same with the zippers in width and I rivet the whole thing with rivets designed for jeans, the whole thing is remarkably solid! If I remember correctly, 160 rivets for the three slides.
Once finished, I let it dry for several days without applying any tension, until the glue sets definitively. I have never weighed this tarp but the weight does not matter in relation to all the advantages it provides when spending time living in a canoe.
The system is really functional since the large closure is equipped with two slides and can therefore be opened from the back or the front of the canoe.
I cancel out any residual tension from the curves of the tarp by cutting out the front of the tarp squarely so that I can develop a flat.
Then after having laid everything flat, I'll glue you a well-cut piece of PVC to hide my trick!
The nose of the canoe is also finished.
The nose of the canoe is also finished.
I also make the deck cover that we use to store our sailing bags filled with food, the waterproof suitcases for the video equipment, the clothes for the day, the water bottles and the umbrellas.
This tarpaulin is fixed with press studs, and a double tab glued across the width prevents water from slipping in. The blue cover is fully retractable while the green tab, on which the blue cover is clipped, is glued to the main cover to guarantee watertightness.
This tarpaulin is fixed with press studs, and a double tab glued across the width prevents water from slipping in. The blue cover is fully retractable while the green tab, on which the blue cover is clipped, is glued to the main cover to guarantee watertightness.
Finally, the closures are protected by a double pvc flap, which is fixed with Velcro.
Canoe fly! Between the glue and the rivets, the tension points of the tarpaulin are completely absent at the edge of the zipper, which remains the fragile element of this design. it takes a bit of determination to send it off, but what a pleasure to close your tarp in less than fifteen seconds!
the set is practical, stable, solid and well sealed, it was enough to do it!
There is still a trick to put in place so that the bungee cord does not tend to fall when the cover is open...
There is still a trick to put in place so that the bungee cord does not tend to fall when the cover is open...
I stretched a paracord in staggered rows all along the canoe, and so the rubber band never leaves its housing when I fully open the tarp, this system was developed when we were already in Finland, the day before departure in a canoe!
Working in these conditions is pejorative for the concept of work!
I've been sleeping in the tent all year round for two years now, in my sleeping bag, I've gained in quality of sleep and life, I gave my double bed to Amelie and my room in the house has become the place where all our travel belongings are carefully stored, as well as the food that we stock up on for years. So going on a trip with the room in which I sleep amuses my thinking.