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Facebook : SupervagabondS en Scandinavie
3 mois et demi de canoë en Finlande en autonomie complète avec un drone et une petite incursion en Russie qui nous a valu d’êtres soustraits de notre liberté par les gardes-cotes Finlandais...
Cependant nous avons rencontré tellement de gens bienveillants, gentils et curieux à notre égard que nous considérons ce voyage comme un cadeau de la vie.
Nous avons aussi croisé un lynx;
Sans images du félin, nous n'aurions rien dit !
De mi Mai à fin Juillet nous avons parcouru plus de 1200 km de canoë et apprécié une centaine de kilomètres de portages à travers des parcs nationaux, de lacs immenses en rivières minuscules aux marais envoûtants.
Jusqu'à la rencontre d'une famille Finlandaise qui bouleversera le cours de notre voyage, sa finalité et aussi un peu de notre vie.
Le mois d’Août s'est déroulé autour d'une cabane/sauna au bord d'un lac, qui nous a été prêtée sans limite de durée et à laquelle nous pouvons revenir comme bon nous semble !
L'étranger est notre frère; L'homme qui vient de bien loin est notre parent.
- Proverbe Finlandais -
3 and a half months of canoeing in Finland in complete autonomy with a drone and a small incursion in Russia which has earned us from being removed from our freedom by Finnish rangers ...
However, we have met so many caring, kind and inquisitive people that we view this trip as a gift of life.
We also crossed a lynx;
Without images of the feline, we wouldn't have said anything !
From mid-May to the end of July we traveled more than 1200 km of canoe and enjoyed a hundred kilometers of portages through national parks, from huge lakes to tiny rivers to mesmerizing marshes.
Until the meeting of a Finnish family that will upset the course of our journey, its purpose and also a little of our life.
The month of August took place around a cabin / sauna at the edge of a lake, which has been lent to us for no time and to which we can return as we wish !
The stranger is our brother; The man who has come a long way is our parent.
- Finnish proverb -
Facebook : SupervagabondS en Scandinavie
3 mois et demi de canoë en Finlande en autonomie complète avec un drone et une petite incursion en Russie qui nous a valu d’êtres soustraits de notre liberté par les gardes-cotes Finlandais...
Cependant nous avons rencontré tellement de gens bienveillants, gentils et curieux à notre égard que nous considérons ce voyage comme un cadeau de la vie.
Nous avons aussi croisé un lynx;
Sans images du félin, nous n'aurions rien dit !
De mi Mai à fin Juillet nous avons parcouru plus de 1200 km de canoë et apprécié une centaine de kilomètres de portages à travers des parcs nationaux, de lacs immenses en rivières minuscules aux marais envoûtants.
Jusqu'à la rencontre d'une famille Finlandaise qui bouleversera le cours de notre voyage, sa finalité et aussi un peu de notre vie.
Le mois d’Août s'est déroulé autour d'une cabane/sauna au bord d'un lac, qui nous a été prêtée sans limite de durée et à laquelle nous pouvons revenir comme bon nous semble !
L'étranger est notre frère; L'homme qui vient de bien loin est notre parent.
- Proverbe Finlandais -
3 and a half months of canoeing in Finland in complete autonomy with a drone and a small incursion in Russia which has earned us from being removed from our freedom by Finnish rangers ...
However, we have met so many caring, kind and inquisitive people that we view this trip as a gift of life.
We also crossed a lynx;
Without images of the feline, we wouldn't have said anything !
From mid-May to the end of July we traveled more than 1200 km of canoe and enjoyed a hundred kilometers of portages through national parks, from huge lakes to tiny rivers to mesmerizing marshes.
Until the meeting of a Finnish family that will upset the course of our journey, its purpose and also a little of our life.
The month of August took place around a cabin / sauna at the edge of a lake, which has been lent to us for no time and to which we can return as we wish !
The stranger is our brother; The man who has come a long way is our parent.
- Finnish proverb -
Coup de coeur !
16107 lecteur(s)
Vue d'ensemble
Le topo : Nav 37 - 05 Août (mise à jour : 13 janv. 2018)
Distance section :
Dénivelées section :
+8m /
Section Alti min/max : 82m/92m
Le compte-rendu : Nav 37 - 05 Août (mise à jour : 13 janv. 2018)
Nous rejoindrons Padasjoki en deux navigations dont une, mémorable.
C’était certainement l'envie de revenir vite à la cabane qui nous fit adopter un rythme tranquille mais d'une détermination sans limites.
Une nuit à naviguer que je n'oublierai jamais pendant que tu dormais à l'avant.
We will join Padasjoki in two navigations of which one, memorable.
It was certainly the desire to return quickly to the cabin that made us adopt a quiet pace but a determination without limits.
A night of sailing that I will never forget while you slept in front.
C’était certainement l'envie de revenir vite à la cabane qui nous fit adopter un rythme tranquille mais d'une détermination sans limites.
Une nuit à naviguer que je n'oublierai jamais pendant que tu dormais à l'avant.
We will join Padasjoki in two navigations of which one, memorable.
It was certainly the desire to return quickly to the cabin that made us adopt a quiet pace but a determination without limits.
A night of sailing that I will never forget while you slept in front.
Leaving Friday at 8am from Jousta, we arrived in Padasjoki on Saturday at 2:15 pm. Since the time I wondered if it was really possible to travel 100 km in one go, non stop, if not to eat and piss. not to mention the 5 portages that included the course.
How could we forget that river descent at a good pace, which the mist made invisible and which seized us with horror when we saw suddenly, in front of us, a huge rock that we did not think we could avoid, so much it was close and huge .... If the shock had occurred, we could not have traveled such a distance.
How to forget this portion of river in which we were shaken like plums at a speed of which we had never known before and in a current which we did not expect at all ... a bad choice of direction and the bottom the canoe has ridden on a rock, our boat has gone spin on the surface and time to catch the inertia of the canoe, we had already completed a complete tour in the middle of the rapids! ... when we go out of there, everyone shout his joy at being here !
It was magical to be carried away by the current and simply to have to manage its direction in rivers where the trout fishermen did not sting the fly to see us pass between their lines.
We arrived in this passage when it was just beginning to rain,
but it is much more confined than the previous image lets imagine !
Evening meal in full course. We are in no hurry and as no distance has been determined, we continue to advance without any idea of result.
We manage the successive and unexpected passages that perfectly punctuate our pleasure to discover,
and we try not to leave feathers !
So even at 10 pm after a full day of sailing we begin the 5 portages with a mood of steel.
But just a sheet to hold the wheels and cause us a tile: one of the straps of the cart breaks.
We cross a lake and you take the opportunity to sleep a few hours, wedged on the front sheltered from the wind.
I find myself in a feeling of absolute, in a night sometimes total. My emotions are then a mixture of fear and happiness. The night has gone way too fast.
Obliged to wake you up for a portage, you fulfill your role without flinching.
At 5 am in the last portage, I send the canoe on a slope to reach the water and the vegetation is so high that I see nothing of the stumps that are everywhere !
The broken strap becomes a real problem, yet I decide not to take the time to fix it, you have to manage fatigue in all its aspects so it is better to adapt for the future.
Around a hundred pounds, It is always possible to drag his load when you want to achieve his goals.
It was early morning when we had already traveled 80 kilometers that it was planned to continue until Padasjoki, only 20 km away. We will end up in a second state with the idea that making images was already too tiring ! After a nap on the lawn of our arrival, we will embark everything in the car, towards the cabin and the sauna !