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3 mois et demi de canoë en Finlande en autonomie complète avec un drone et une petite incursion en Russie qui nous a valu d’êtres soustraits de notre liberté par les gardes-cotes Finlandais...
Cependant nous avons rencontré tellement de gens bienveillants, gentils et curieux à notre égard que nous considérons ce voyage comme un cadeau de la vie.
Nous avons aussi croisé un lynx;
Sans images du félin, nous n'aurions rien dit !
De mi Mai à fin Juillet nous avons parcouru plus de 1200 km de canoë et apprécié une centaine de kilomètres de portages à travers des parcs nationaux, de lacs immenses en rivières minuscules aux marais envoûtants.
Jusqu'à la rencontre d'une famille Finlandaise qui bouleversera le cours de notre voyage, sa finalité et aussi un peu de notre vie.
Le mois d’Août s'est déroulé autour d'une cabane/sauna au bord d'un lac, qui nous a été prêtée sans limite de durée et à laquelle nous pouvons revenir comme bon nous semble !
L'étranger est notre frère; L'homme qui vient de bien loin est notre parent.
- Proverbe Finlandais -
3 and a half months of canoeing in Finland in complete autonomy with a drone and a small incursion in Russia which has earned us from being removed from our freedom by Finnish rangers ...
However, we have met so many caring, kind and inquisitive people that we view this trip as a gift of life.
We also crossed a lynx;
Without images of the feline, we wouldn't have said anything !
From mid-May to the end of July we traveled more than 1200 km of canoe and enjoyed a hundred kilometers of portages through national parks, from huge lakes to tiny rivers to mesmerizing marshes.
Until the meeting of a Finnish family that will upset the course of our journey, its purpose and also a little of our life.
The month of August took place around a cabin / sauna at the edge of a lake, which has been lent to us for no time and to which we can return as we wish !
The stranger is our brother; The man who has come a long way is our parent.
- Finnish proverb -
Facebook : SupervagabondS en Scandinavie
3 mois et demi de canoë en Finlande en autonomie complète avec un drone et une petite incursion en Russie qui nous a valu d’êtres soustraits de notre liberté par les gardes-cotes Finlandais...
Cependant nous avons rencontré tellement de gens bienveillants, gentils et curieux à notre égard que nous considérons ce voyage comme un cadeau de la vie.
Nous avons aussi croisé un lynx;
Sans images du félin, nous n'aurions rien dit !
De mi Mai à fin Juillet nous avons parcouru plus de 1200 km de canoë et apprécié une centaine de kilomètres de portages à travers des parcs nationaux, de lacs immenses en rivières minuscules aux marais envoûtants.
Jusqu'à la rencontre d'une famille Finlandaise qui bouleversera le cours de notre voyage, sa finalité et aussi un peu de notre vie.
Le mois d’Août s'est déroulé autour d'une cabane/sauna au bord d'un lac, qui nous a été prêtée sans limite de durée et à laquelle nous pouvons revenir comme bon nous semble !
L'étranger est notre frère; L'homme qui vient de bien loin est notre parent.
- Proverbe Finlandais -
3 and a half months of canoeing in Finland in complete autonomy with a drone and a small incursion in Russia which has earned us from being removed from our freedom by Finnish rangers ...
However, we have met so many caring, kind and inquisitive people that we view this trip as a gift of life.
We also crossed a lynx;
Without images of the feline, we wouldn't have said anything !
From mid-May to the end of July we traveled more than 1200 km of canoe and enjoyed a hundred kilometers of portages through national parks, from huge lakes to tiny rivers to mesmerizing marshes.
Until the meeting of a Finnish family that will upset the course of our journey, its purpose and also a little of our life.
The month of August took place around a cabin / sauna at the edge of a lake, which has been lent to us for no time and to which we can return as we wish !
The stranger is our brother; The man who has come a long way is our parent.
- Finnish proverb -
Coup de coeur !
16107 lecteur(s)
Vue d'ensemble
Le topo : Nav 26 - 09 Juillet (mise à jour : 12 janv. 2018)
Distance section :
Dénivelées section :
+32m /
Section Alti min/max : 77m/111m
Le compte-rendu : Nav 26 - 09 Juillet (mise à jour : 12 janv. 2018)
Un peu chamboulés par tant d'autorité inutile, il n'en fallait pas plus pour remotiver nos envies de liberté.
Nous décidons de couper court et d'effectuer un portage dans la journée pour quitter ce lac bien trop surveillé.
Paranos ou pas, on ne sait pas, mais nous avons vraiment la sensation d’êtres suivis de loin par un bateau à moteur, sans personne à l’extérieur de la cabine, qui ne nous quitteras pas de toute la navigation, restant à notre allure, tout en se maintenant à bonne distance.
Le drone à fait son petit effet auprès des autorités mais comme nous n’avons pas eu l’impertinence de le faire voler dans ce secteur, ils se demandent surement si nous allons oser !
A little upset by so much useless authority, it was enough to re-motivate our desires for freedom.
We decide to cut short and carry a portage in the day to leave this lake too much guarded.
Paranos or not, we do not know, but we really have the feeling of being followed from afar by a motor boat, without anybody outside the cabin, who will not leave us from all the navigation, remaining at our pace, while keeping a good distance.
The drone has made its small effect with the authorities but as we have not had the impertinence to fly in this area, they are probably wondering if we will dare !
Nous décidons de couper court et d'effectuer un portage dans la journée pour quitter ce lac bien trop surveillé.
Paranos ou pas, on ne sait pas, mais nous avons vraiment la sensation d’êtres suivis de loin par un bateau à moteur, sans personne à l’extérieur de la cabine, qui ne nous quitteras pas de toute la navigation, restant à notre allure, tout en se maintenant à bonne distance.
Le drone à fait son petit effet auprès des autorités mais comme nous n’avons pas eu l’impertinence de le faire voler dans ce secteur, ils se demandent surement si nous allons oser !
A little upset by so much useless authority, it was enough to re-motivate our desires for freedom.
We decide to cut short and carry a portage in the day to leave this lake too much guarded.
Paranos or not, we do not know, but we really have the feeling of being followed from afar by a motor boat, without anybody outside the cabin, who will not leave us from all the navigation, remaining at our pace, while keeping a good distance.
The drone has made its small effect with the authorities but as we have not had the impertinence to fly in this area, they are probably wondering if we will dare !
We leave the campsite having had the opportunity to wash and dry the clothes, it is also included in the price !
After 12 km of paddle, we do not have a long way to go to reach the road !
We choose to cross the forest to reach another lake, it is a port of 13 km waiting for us,
And we decided to do it at night but in this season it's still relative !
This will do us good to leave a little water and especially the atmosphere of this lake, on which everyone is watching each other.
Porter is always a team work.
Amelie knows as well as me, where he has to look for what we need.
We will stretch our legs and it is often the fault of beings in canoe: The legs are not solicited and we feel that we lack this kind of exercise to face such a significant effort.
We have the sun setting in the face and the mosquitoes seem to be on vacation while the sweat comes over me.
So it's in a t-shirt that we start this portage that will end in the dark.
During portages you assist me brilliantly when you might think you're just walking. You manage the brake, water supply, snacking, the remote control of the drone and all our needs that are in our loading. You also make pictures and you listen to me! You are a kind of handler !
You also respect the pace that must be yours when we walk and that corresponds to the pace that I inflicts myself and there are only our shadows to follow us !
This is the daily train of our daily train.
It's late afternoon and the sun begins to oversize the shadows.
We are not here to get tough, even if I have to force myself like a brute! It is therefore our wandering state of mind that allows us to cash in such long efforts.
Pulka-noé for a pulka-nalyse! In the downhill, we are not far from galloping !
Breaks are frequent, especially in odds, however small they are.
Some cars are idling and one of them stops ...
The man provokes our astonishment by asking us in English "Are you the father and his daughter from France?" ... he explains us that our "arrest" has been related to the Finnish news and he takes out his smartphone to show us the article on line ... The related facts are vague, even deceptive since it would appear that we navigate in kayaks and that we were stopped on the ground and not on a lake, the essential thing is that the authorities are satisfied !
He has an appointment and he understands that we must move forward, so he leaves us all his contact information by giving us the opportunity to join him, if we came to need help! He also told us that, if he did not have to leave for a few days, he would have liked to invite us to his home. Suddenly, we felt a balm enveloping our hearts !
This encounter and all the symbolism she insinuates will have fueled our discussion for the rest of the portage.
From now on, we feel completely reassured that a human has been able to show a sincere and benevolent humanity.
The trolley does not make a single noise: I always put a little shoe grease in the wheel axle before starting and that avoids the Chinese torture of repetitive squeaking.
And when we pause, we listen to the silence so total, that we refrain from talking a few seconds as to better find that it exists. Amélie's waistcoat is fixed on my leg to avoid the bow of the canoe bouncing constantly on my thigh.
The canoe is still very heavy and the weight is around 300 kg. Some odds require that Amélie put the brake in the wheels to block all the load, I do not know how we would otherwise but I think often, without wanting to find the solution !
The few cars passing and braking at each passage are intriguing to meet us on the road.
The tent is laid. It is always very satisfying to see that there is a possible bivouac at the very spot where we had projected our hopes on the GPS. First time !
Arrived in the night, we did not ask anyone but given the end of the chaotic path it took to get there, we know perfectly well that no one has come for a long time.
There is a sauna but in such a state that it is impossible to consider using it. The two boats have not served for several weeks, the lichens that cover the hulls are the proof.
After 12 km of paddle, we spent 9 hours to walk 13 km, but finding a place like this allows us to find an energy that we no longer suspected.
It's the light that determines the moment to make images, nothing else...
En route for the rest after a day of rest.