SupervagabondS en Suomi
Facebook : SupervagabondS en Scandinavie
3 mois et demi de canoë en Finlande en autonomie complète avec un drone et une petite incursion en Russie qui nous a valu d’êtres soustraits de notre liberté par les gardes-cotes Finlandais...
Cependant nous avons rencontré tellement de gens bienveillants, gentils et curieux à notre égard que nous considérons ce voyage comme un cadeau de la vie.
Nous avons aussi croisé un lynx;
Sans images du félin, nous n'aurions rien dit !
De mi Mai à fin Juillet nous avons parcouru plus de 1200 km de canoë et apprécié une centaine de kilomètres de portages à travers des parcs nationaux, de lacs immenses en rivières minuscules aux marais envoûtants.
Jusqu'à la rencontre d'une famille Finlandaise qui bouleversera le cours de notre voyage, sa finalité et aussi un peu de notre vie.
Le mois d’Août s'est déroulé autour d'une cabane/sauna au bord d'un lac, qui nous a été prêtée sans limite de durée et à laquelle nous pouvons revenir comme bon nous semble !
L'étranger est notre frère; L'homme qui vient de bien loin est notre parent.
- Proverbe Finlandais -
3 and a half months of canoeing in Finland in complete autonomy with a drone and a small incursion in Russia which has earned us from being removed from our freedom by Finnish rangers ...
However, we have met so many caring, kind and inquisitive people that we view this trip as a gift of life.
We also crossed a lynx;
Without images of the feline, we wouldn't have said anything !
From mid-May to the end of July we traveled more than 1200 km of canoe and enjoyed a hundred kilometers of portages through national parks, from huge lakes to tiny rivers to mesmerizing marshes.
Until the meeting of a Finnish family that will upset the course of our journey, its purpose and also a little of our life.
The month of August took place around a cabin / sauna at the edge of a lake, which has been lent to us for no time and to which we can return as we wish !
The stranger is our brother; The man who has come a long way is our parent.
- Finnish proverb -
Facebook : SupervagabondS en Scandinavie
3 mois et demi de canoë en Finlande en autonomie complète avec un drone et une petite incursion en Russie qui nous a valu d’êtres soustraits de notre liberté par les gardes-cotes Finlandais...
Cependant nous avons rencontré tellement de gens bienveillants, gentils et curieux à notre égard que nous considérons ce voyage comme un cadeau de la vie.
Nous avons aussi croisé un lynx;
Sans images du félin, nous n'aurions rien dit !
De mi Mai à fin Juillet nous avons parcouru plus de 1200 km de canoë et apprécié une centaine de kilomètres de portages à travers des parcs nationaux, de lacs immenses en rivières minuscules aux marais envoûtants.
Jusqu'à la rencontre d'une famille Finlandaise qui bouleversera le cours de notre voyage, sa finalité et aussi un peu de notre vie.
Le mois d’Août s'est déroulé autour d'une cabane/sauna au bord d'un lac, qui nous a été prêtée sans limite de durée et à laquelle nous pouvons revenir comme bon nous semble !
L'étranger est notre frère; L'homme qui vient de bien loin est notre parent.
- Proverbe Finlandais -
3 and a half months of canoeing in Finland in complete autonomy with a drone and a small incursion in Russia which has earned us from being removed from our freedom by Finnish rangers ...
However, we have met so many caring, kind and inquisitive people that we view this trip as a gift of life.
We also crossed a lynx;
Without images of the feline, we wouldn't have said anything !
From mid-May to the end of July we traveled more than 1200 km of canoe and enjoyed a hundred kilometers of portages through national parks, from huge lakes to tiny rivers to mesmerizing marshes.
Until the meeting of a Finnish family that will upset the course of our journey, its purpose and also a little of our life.
The month of August took place around a cabin / sauna at the edge of a lake, which has been lent to us for no time and to which we can return as we wish !
The stranger is our brother; The man who has come a long way is our parent.
- Finnish proverb -
Crush !
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Guidebook : Nav 25 - 08 Juillet (updated : 16 Jan 2018)
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Report : Nav 25 - 08 Juillet (updated : 16 Jan 2018)
Sans savoir que nous sommes dans le noman's land, nous déclenchons les radars russes à notre passage en canoë.
Les gardes frontières ont alors demandé des comptes aux gardes cotes finlandais, qui sont partis à notre recherche pour nous appréhender alors que nous étions déjà bien loin de la frontière.
Le GPS affiche la trace anarchique de cette journée interminable et polluée par des règlements en tous genres.
"Mieux vaut entendre parler du roi que de le voir"
- Proverbe Finlandais -
Without knowing that we are in the noman's land, we trigger Russian radar when we canoe.
The border guards then asked the Finnish coast guards for accounts, who went to search for us when we were already far from the border.
The GPS shows the uncontrolled trace of this endless day polluted by regulations of all kinds.
"Better to hear about the king than to see him"
- Finnish proverb -
Les gardes frontières ont alors demandé des comptes aux gardes cotes finlandais, qui sont partis à notre recherche pour nous appréhender alors que nous étions déjà bien loin de la frontière.
Le GPS affiche la trace anarchique de cette journée interminable et polluée par des règlements en tous genres.
"Mieux vaut entendre parler du roi que de le voir"
- Proverbe Finlandais -
Without knowing that we are in the noman's land, we trigger Russian radar when we canoe.
The border guards then asked the Finnish coast guards for accounts, who went to search for us when we were already far from the border.
The GPS shows the uncontrolled trace of this endless day polluted by regulations of all kinds.
"Better to hear about the king than to see him"
- Finnish proverb -
Passing such a sign, I had the derision to say to my daughter: We can always tell them it was not written in French! Some will call it unconsciousness. To each one his weaknesses !
This is the kind of picture we had to erase since it seemed incongruous that it was possible to have arrived there: We were in the Noman's land. The border is very closely guarded on the Russian side, and the Soviet guards have dogs whose surly reputation has crossed the frontier !
We canoe in front of a battery of cameras and this is the only image that we could keep: All our images will be viewed and it was necessary to erase those of watchtowers, signs indicating the border, and radar of all kinds.
The Finnish terminal, and in the distance on the left one can see,
the Russian terminal.
The buoys that physically determine the boundary. Not a soul that lives on these squared waters.
And yet we have not crossed the border! We went along the buoys without ever approaching within 15 meters.
In good faith, we took a break just after being in a forbidden zone, the footbridge gives access to a mirador which is 50 meters on our left .... Images erased. We will be back below the same evening, but not in a canoe !
A break during which we will discuss with two ladies friends: a Russian and a Finnish who do not seem to be alarmed by our presence, so close to the mirador at 150 meters of border line.
We go back on the water and a guy approaches us to ask us if we need help, he tells me that he saw us go to a totally forbidden place and that he is surprised not to see the star of the Guards roll off !
I show him the area where we went and it is he who explains me that we should never have been able to go through there! He remains amazed to see what the GPS reveals to him! He insists on our mistake and then I start to be cautious when I hear him ask a lot of questions, to which I will give another direction by telling him that spies in family, canoe, it is rare ! ..There are only the guards-odds who have the skull shaved in the corner! Having surely won his trust by sympathy, he will greet us warmly wishing us: "Good Luck".
.... 1 H 30 after .... We were far from imagining, but Amélie pointed out to me that a boat is heading straight for us from behind, I barely have time to ask him if he There is a beacon on it, that they send us a brief blow of siren.
Everything is jostling a little when I understand that I will have to show white paw ! We have committed a serious offense, because, according to them, we have crossed the border and we must answer for our actions .... the camera and the GPS will be confiscated, but already before handing them over, I negotiate the future restitution without appeal ! The canoe will be towed on a beach and we will have to leave with them at the border post 30 kilometers away ... The rightmost man is an environmental policeman.
6 hours later, we leave the border post after having waited for a translator, answered questions, signed a deposition and refused to pay a plum of 180 euros, the fine is calculated according to the time spent behind the border and the distance traveled but also the salary of the person involved! We will have stayed 10 minutes and traveled 12 meters behind the border, that's what the report says! They maintain that it would be easier to pay the fine ... I answer that, if he considers well the course that we carried out to arrive there, it should understand that the easy things do not interest us !
Camera and GPS recovered, the guards leave an outboard of 300 horses to bring us back, all drags on and they arrive at the end of their service, the 30 km that separate us from the canoe will be swallowed in 10/15 minutes! I do not think they expected me to be so interested in their work, their family, their life, the Russians, winter and Finland. They also explained to me that the traffic of all kinds and also of refugees, mainly took place in winter when the lake is frozen, there are also Russians who try to cross the border illegally to come to Finland but they laugh at me to say that the opposite never happens !
The atmosphere was pretty cool, since they offered us coffee and cookies and Amélie was never afraid of the situation, she felt that I was not worried, I already spoke to her about The rest of our trip, and there was no aggression on their part but they had to show a little authority because I do not have the habit to let me do ! This is how I took the time to explain to them my good faith and thus, I did not feel responsible for having to pay a fine. What really surprised me is this mixture of sympathy and rigidity !
Their leader, by phone, forced them to erase images of the border area. It was when they studied the GPS that was over 800 km on the counter they showed a form of respect that was not expected. In this case, it is better to ride the wave that we are offered! Once the affair ended and returned to the canoe, it would have been possible to believe that we were like thieves in fair !
Midnight. We greet each other sincerely with respect and Amélie has already put the camera back on the road, however, during the 6 hours that it lasted, I asked them every thirty minutes if I could recover the camera to make images: "Not now". The guards realized that we had a drone because they "googled" us and came across the Mytrip books and the FB account "SupervagabondS en Scandinavie", they saw the images of the drone, and find them pretty !
And as it is necessary to know how to caress in the direction of the hair, I answer them that before all, it is their country which is beautiful! ... What they admit with a poorly dissimulated pride !
And as it is necessary to know how to caress in the direction of the hair, I answer them that before all, it is their country which is beautiful! ... What they admit with a poorly dissimulated pride !
We did not expect this story to end up in Finnish news ! I should be summoned by the Finnish court of justice in the coming months to answer for my actions since I refused to pay the fine! That's good, at this time of the trip we already expect to return to Suomi ...
The canoe had been deposited in a campsite and under the supervision of a customs officer !! back at midnight, we had only the urge to eat and sleep. This will be the only paying night of the course! "Papiniemi camping": 12 euros per night and everything you need to cook, wash clothes, dry and drink fresh coca. The place is very busy.