SupervagabondS en Suomi
Facebook : SupervagabondS en Scandinavie
3 mois et demi de canoë en Finlande en autonomie complète avec un drone et une petite incursion en Russie qui nous a valu d’êtres soustraits de notre liberté par les gardes-cotes Finlandais...
Cependant nous avons rencontré tellement de gens bienveillants, gentils et curieux à notre égard que nous considérons ce voyage comme un cadeau de la vie.
Nous avons aussi croisé un lynx;
Sans images du félin, nous n'aurions rien dit !
De mi Mai à fin Juillet nous avons parcouru plus de 1200 km de canoë et apprécié une centaine de kilomètres de portages à travers des parcs nationaux, de lacs immenses en rivières minuscules aux marais envoûtants.
Jusqu'à la rencontre d'une famille Finlandaise qui bouleversera le cours de notre voyage, sa finalité et aussi un peu de notre vie.
Le mois d’Août s'est déroulé autour d'une cabane/sauna au bord d'un lac, qui nous a été prêtée sans limite de durée et à laquelle nous pouvons revenir comme bon nous semble !
L'étranger est notre frère; L'homme qui vient de bien loin est notre parent.
- Proverbe Finlandais -
3 and a half months of canoeing in Finland in complete autonomy with a drone and a small incursion in Russia which has earned us from being removed from our freedom by Finnish rangers ...
However, we have met so many caring, kind and inquisitive people that we view this trip as a gift of life.
We also crossed a lynx;
Without images of the feline, we wouldn't have said anything !
From mid-May to the end of July we traveled more than 1200 km of canoe and enjoyed a hundred kilometers of portages through national parks, from huge lakes to tiny rivers to mesmerizing marshes.
Until the meeting of a Finnish family that will upset the course of our journey, its purpose and also a little of our life.
The month of August took place around a cabin / sauna at the edge of a lake, which has been lent to us for no time and to which we can return as we wish !
The stranger is our brother; The man who has come a long way is our parent.
- Finnish proverb -
Facebook : SupervagabondS en Scandinavie
3 mois et demi de canoë en Finlande en autonomie complète avec un drone et une petite incursion en Russie qui nous a valu d’êtres soustraits de notre liberté par les gardes-cotes Finlandais...
Cependant nous avons rencontré tellement de gens bienveillants, gentils et curieux à notre égard que nous considérons ce voyage comme un cadeau de la vie.
Nous avons aussi croisé un lynx;
Sans images du félin, nous n'aurions rien dit !
De mi Mai à fin Juillet nous avons parcouru plus de 1200 km de canoë et apprécié une centaine de kilomètres de portages à travers des parcs nationaux, de lacs immenses en rivières minuscules aux marais envoûtants.
Jusqu'à la rencontre d'une famille Finlandaise qui bouleversera le cours de notre voyage, sa finalité et aussi un peu de notre vie.
Le mois d’Août s'est déroulé autour d'une cabane/sauna au bord d'un lac, qui nous a été prêtée sans limite de durée et à laquelle nous pouvons revenir comme bon nous semble !
L'étranger est notre frère; L'homme qui vient de bien loin est notre parent.
- Proverbe Finlandais -
3 and a half months of canoeing in Finland in complete autonomy with a drone and a small incursion in Russia which has earned us from being removed from our freedom by Finnish rangers ...
However, we have met so many caring, kind and inquisitive people that we view this trip as a gift of life.
We also crossed a lynx;
Without images of the feline, we wouldn't have said anything !
From mid-May to the end of July we traveled more than 1200 km of canoe and enjoyed a hundred kilometers of portages through national parks, from huge lakes to tiny rivers to mesmerizing marshes.
Until the meeting of a Finnish family that will upset the course of our journey, its purpose and also a little of our life.
The month of August took place around a cabin / sauna at the edge of a lake, which has been lent to us for no time and to which we can return as we wish !
The stranger is our brother; The man who has come a long way is our parent.
- Finnish proverb -
Crush !
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Guidebook : Nav 38 - 15 Août (updated : 13 Jan 2018)
Section distance :
Height difference for this section :
+27m /
Section Alti min/max : 100m/117m
Report : Nav 38 - 15 Août (updated : 13 Jan 2018)
10 jours à ne rien faire sinon, vivre.
Nous profitons du petit déjeuner ensemble sur la terrasse, Amélie navigue et mène sa barque avec dextérité.
Chacun profite de ses journées puis nous nous retrouvons le soir au sauna et nous parlons de nos amis, de la Finlande, de notre voyage, de notre vie et petit à petit, l'envie nous pousse à envisager l'idée de venir vivre en Suomi.
Nous décidons d'aller parler de tout ça à nos amis avant de partir, c'est un changement de vie qui nous attends et c'est toujours mieux de s'y prendre tranquillement.
Mine de rien, ces 81 km sont aussi la finalité de la boucle que nous avions prévue de réaliser !
45 km de canoë, 36 km à pied
"Bien peu d'hommes se distinguent de la foule par des qualités supérieures"
- Proverbe Finlandais -
10 days to do nothing else, live.
We enjoy the breakfast together on the terrace, Amélie sails and leads his boat with dexterity.
Everyone enjoys their days and then we meet in the evening in the sauna and we talk about our friends, Finland, our journey, our life and little by little, the urge pushes us to consider the idea of living in Suomi.
We decide to talk to our friends about this before leaving, it's a change of life that is waiting for us and it's always better to go quietly.
Casually, these 81 km are also the end of the loop that we had planned to achieve!
45 km canoe, 36 km walk.
"Few men are distinguished from the crowd by superior qualities"
- Finnish proverb -
Nous profitons du petit déjeuner ensemble sur la terrasse, Amélie navigue et mène sa barque avec dextérité.
Chacun profite de ses journées puis nous nous retrouvons le soir au sauna et nous parlons de nos amis, de la Finlande, de notre voyage, de notre vie et petit à petit, l'envie nous pousse à envisager l'idée de venir vivre en Suomi.
Nous décidons d'aller parler de tout ça à nos amis avant de partir, c'est un changement de vie qui nous attends et c'est toujours mieux de s'y prendre tranquillement.
Mine de rien, ces 81 km sont aussi la finalité de la boucle que nous avions prévue de réaliser !
45 km de canoë, 36 km à pied
"Bien peu d'hommes se distinguent de la foule par des qualités supérieures"
- Proverbe Finlandais -
10 days to do nothing else, live.
We enjoy the breakfast together on the terrace, Amélie sails and leads his boat with dexterity.
Everyone enjoys their days and then we meet in the evening in the sauna and we talk about our friends, Finland, our journey, our life and little by little, the urge pushes us to consider the idea of living in Suomi.
We decide to talk to our friends about this before leaving, it's a change of life that is waiting for us and it's always better to go quietly.
Casually, these 81 km are also the end of the loop that we had planned to achieve!
45 km canoe, 36 km walk.
"Few men are distinguished from the crowd by superior qualities"
- Finnish proverb -
As is the custom, I cut a knife for Eero. Back in France, we gave Mirja a nice collection of stamps that belonged to Amelie's mother and that could only make the happiness of a collector.
During the three weeks spent here..... Only 4 days of gray weather. In winter it must be a total kif !
The construction at the edge of the water is a boathouse but one of the posts to flop and it tends to collapse.
The pontoon is visible, the cabin is buried.
It was no longer a vacation, it was a dream.
Early surveys we are determined to join our friends near Juva. It will take us two days to get there.
Then it will also be the opportunity to finalize our loop! We had planned this trip but Eero had decided, for our well being, that it was better to accompany us to the cabin rather than leave us on the road, resume our portage.
We leave to join them with a divine weather.
It will be a good day to discuss, to spend, and to feel the emotion as the distance fades.
It is always easier to travel alone, having the one and only responsibility of oneself.
Traveling with you will certainly have taught me more than any extreme isolation.
Responsible for you, it is impossible for me not to consider that you exist, and you know it.
I would never have thought that life could be able to challenge me so much, every day, as each stroke of paddle distils that complexity.
Our relationship is so singular that it is certainly the fear of seeing it disappear in your legitimate evolution that makes me want to be your father again and again.
Maybe all my life, I've always been against the flow. How do you want that to change, I taught you everything that way.
In our time, everyone leads his boat as he can, in a current that raises too much ego.
The essential thing is not to have been immobilized by the suffering of having to learn to be two.
I lead the canoe while you dream to lead your boat while I forgot to live without you.
Sometimes Amélie has to move her weight forward to rock the canoe, so that I can pull it afterwards .... She has already saved me from a crisis of sudden hypothermia coming on my back, me to transmit its warmth, the time it takes for me to find my mind and make a fire, you were 8 years old ... It was time to give you this tribute !
It is in such a place that it seems obvious to me to live together; All alone, it would be fundamentally different, it would be ego-centered.
Having to consider you as it should, will have taught me to have to evolve in my adult psychology ... And it's not over ! Like this river that we go back up and that requires us to be attentive.
We could have done an easy portage on the road next door but our complicity would not have the same taste of satisfaction to share and over time, we became demanding.
We savor these rewarding days for the body and mind, that only a traveler's life seems to be able to savor.
In the middle of this river, insignificant in the universe.
Once again, we crossed this counter-current which made us doubt.
Each takes his place to a snack break to replenish the energy that is ours.
You realize, a country where the water is so clear and where the fish tumble when you weigh a piece of bread, it must be worth living there.
We will end this day closer to our friends, tired and happy of the beings.